Meaning bleed weapons with high fire-rate values do increased damage. MxR Mods currently has 199,925,077 views spread across 138 videos for Fallout 4. Fallout 4: Best Mods That Make Things Fun (2020) Fallout 4 Best Automatic Weapons And How To Get Them Fallout 4 Best Armor Mods You Must Have Fallout 4 Best Building Mods You Must Have Top Ten Best Fallout 4 Companions All Fallout 4 Endings 15 New Post Apocalyptic Games That Look Really Fun! Fallout 4 Ps4 Mods List Best Fallout 4 Mods on PS4 Fallout 4 is the successful continuation of the world-known post-apocalyptic series of Fallout.From now on you will be surrounded by Thick Fog, strange

Enter the boarded houses, open the locked doors, and become the best explorer of the Fallout 4. Use the Framework Template and organize yourself.

To be precise, not all of the mods are going to be available on all platforms – some are available on PS4, some on Xbox One and some on PC. It turns out that Bethesda does not allow NSFW mods on their website, yet Skyrim has mods where you can give your character big breasts and a big rear. I played F04 GOTY on PS4 pro with a 100% achievements (recently) then decided to try modding, which is severely limited on that platform. It lets you take cover, lean out and snap back to cover, and even vault over low obstacles.