To get somewhere we once had to walk in silence, or ride a horse in silence. Reflection is something that’s fleeting in our society. “There cannot be meaningful breakthrough without purposeful reflection.” When we are able to draw a firm line in the sand between what we can and can’t control we hand ourselves the power to live a happy and fulfilling life. We get angry, sad, even depressed over things that are completely out of our control. “Knowing what’s under your control and what isn’t is the first step to happiness, strength, and power.”

Without that reference point you’re shooting darts in the dark with your life being the stakes. When you know who you want to be, the man you want to become, you can create the habits to create the person. Break it down further and ask: What is my mission? What do I want to do? We want to improve, grow, and evolve, but many of us don’t know who we want to evolve into. “There’s one question you have to answer in this life: Who do you want to be?” This is at the core of what it means to “man up”. You do what must be done because it must be done, not because of the fame or popularity that it can bring. You may not receive any praise for your efforts or pain, but that’s not what you’re after. Sometimes you need to work long, arduous hours to provide for your family. Sometimes you need to be violent to protect the innocent.

Part of being a man and being a leader is doing what must be done, not what you’d like to do or what the populace wants you to do.